grow from where you are to where you want to be

Based on the philosophy of ME, WE, COMMUNITY, dtby offers a series of programs to help youth & young adults 14-24 year olds Build Important Life Skills, Develop Healthy relationships, and Connect with their communities. We believe that community is the key component to thriving and wellness, and our programs just that… they build, they develop, and they connect young people.

Our suite of impactful programs to empower and support young people as they begin to transition from high school to career.

Better mental well being outcomes mean stronger futures and resiliency skills for the young people involved and meaningful community development. When they grow and become better, they DO better and then go on to inspire and mentor others to do the same.

Our programs provide opportunities for exponential growth for 14-24 year old’s in building their skills, resilience, and mental well-being.

They’re resilient, but they’ll need supports as they close one season of their life out for the next.

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Community Youth Council (CYC) for youth inspire program participants

Those in grade 11 and beyond will be invited to join the CYC, providing them with further opportunity to take a leadership role and drive change.